"It is not our job to predict the future, but to be well prepared for it."
— Perikles, Greek statesman
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Basic principles

Our clients' funds and our own are strictly separated from each other. Your funds and securities are held in bank accounts or custody accounts in your name.

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You will only find true independence or really objective – and thus sustainably successful – advice where no overriding desires have to be taken into account, be it through the commitment to group policy guidelines or through the generation of commission income.

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Only those who know your wishes, personal and business situation and your future plans can create an individual, holistic investment concept for you from the abundance of possibilities that fully meets your requirements.

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We maintain an open exchange, communicate in a straightforward manner. Our investment policy, our communication and our reporting system are characterized by transparency and traceability.

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The consistent exclusion of conflicts of interest alone means true independence. Only true independence enables uncompromising orientation towards customer interests.

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You can expect a lot from us, because our success is no accident! Thanks to clearly defined investment processes, consistent risk management and the structured selection of target investments, we systematically optimize the risk / reward ratio of your assets.

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